By Concepts
Consumer Co-creation
The Consumer Co-Creation workshop targets the generation of new concepts for your brand or product together with your target audience.
Process incl. a 2-day workshop.
During this workshop one or multiple innovative product concepts are developed in conjunction with the consumer. Using this co-creation method, the desires and needs of your target audience are interpreted and contribute to the design process thereby creating relevant solutions. Consumer testing is used at an early stage to improve the concepts generated (and not to criticise them).
- During the first workshop session, input from a selected group of consumers is used to generate ideas for a defined theme or product area.
- The most favourable ideas from the workshop session are attractively presented to the consumers.
- From these ideas, one or more concept directions are defined and further developed into a detailed product concept.
- The detailed concepts are again presented to the consumers to make sure that the concept fully capitalises on the actual needs of the target audience.
This workshop process results in an innovative product concept that has demonstrable potential with your target audience.